Capella Space Wins $14.9 Million Contract for SAR Services

Capella Space, a satellite imaging firm based in San Francisco, has secured a $14.9 million contract from the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). The agreement will see Capella provide synthetic aperture radar (SAR) services through December 2026.

Capella Space is known for its expertise in Earth observation using SAR technology, which enables high-resolution imaging regardless of weather conditions or time of day. Unlike traditional optical satellites, SAR systems can penetrate through clouds and operate in darkness.

Under the contract, Capella’s SAR data will be integrated into AFRL’s Global Unification Environment, an experimental cloud-based platform designed to evaluate automated satellite tasking and imaging strategies using commercial systems.

Alexander Duchane, an electronics engineer at AFRL’s Space Vehicles Directorate, highlighted the project’s objective: “We’re interested in working with commercial satellite companies across multiple phenomenologies to understand their capabilities and military utility,” Duchane said in a statement on August 1.

The contract is classified as a Small Business Innovation Research Phase 2 Strategic Funding Increase award, intended to support small businesses in their research and development with an eye towards commercialization.

Founded in 2016, Capella Space aims to strengthen its presence in the defense sector through this new partnership.