TVA and The Air League partner to boost young people’s entry into UK aviation industry

Talentview Aviation (TVA) and The Air League have formed a partnership to boost young people’s entry into the UK’s aviation industry.
The collaboration seeks to raise awareness about early career opportunities, training, and funding in the sector. Under their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), the two organizations will signpost students to diverse routes into aviation and aerospace, including apprenticeships, graduate jobs, bursaries, and scholarships, while heightening the visibility of the sector’s diverse roles.
The Air League will direct their pipeline of young talent to TVA’s platform, providing tailored lists of roles for the charity’s alumni. One such success story, Mukhtar Fakih, secured a role in aviation after a scholarship with The Air League and TVA’s assistance.
Referenced in the Department for Transport’s 2022 strategy, both organizations actively support STEM skills within aviation. Richard Smith, TVA’s Engagement Director, called the MoU a milestone in their collective effort to help students enter the industry.
Ian Morrison, CEO of The Air League, echoed Smith’s sentiments, stating that the partnership aims to provide a seamless transition for aspiring aviators.